Author: GBM International
You Can Change Someone’s Life
January 16, 2024 by GBM International
Proverbs 16:24 says this. Pleasant words [are as] a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. [GBMV] Many years ago I was going through a really hard time. I had just lost my first husband, I was struggling to keep up to date at my job, and I became pretty ill for…
Abiding in Him
December 18, 2023 by GBM International
It is crazy that in the natural the year 2023 has almost come to an end. We have just two weeks left, before the New Year and the start of something brand new. I don’t know about you, but as the new year approaches I always have the hope of something fresh and exciting. But…
Rest in Your Salvation
November 28, 2023 by GBM International
“Oh no, I’ve blown it! I’ve sinned so badly that I will never make it to heaven. I don’t think I can even ask the Lord to forgive me.” Have you ever felt like this? If you have, you will know that this sort of thing can completely stop you in your spiritual tracks, because…
Easy Direction
August 16, 2023 by GBM International
My family and I had to recently go somewhere early in the morning. Because it was early, we hit some rush hour traffic and things moved slowly. As we sat for a moment in the traffic, we saw a fire burning up ahead, and through the smoke you could see the lights of the fire…
The Lord’s Compelling Love
July 6, 2023 by GBM International
When I was in my late teens, early adulthood, I had some very strange and frustrating experiences with guys. There were two of them in particular that stand out from different times, because they both suddenly decided that they were my boyfriends. The first guy suddenly appeared on the scene as I was walking back…
You Are The Ruler
June 7, 2023 by GBM International
I always remember the first time I saw the little graphic of three monkeys. One had his hand over his mouth, another had his hands over his eyes, and the third one had his hands over his ears. The idea behind it was to not speak any evil, see evil or hear evil. In the…
Be Your Unique Self
November 2, 2020 by GBM International
Do you know that you are special and that the Lord has something unique for you? He has no favorites and wants to bring out the best in you? I am sure you know that in theory. But perhaps in reality it feels like a different story. Each person is different and unique. Actually it’s…