The members of the GBM Ministry team are all shown below. To find out more, feel free to use the Contact Us link to contact us for further information.
Global Business Ministries is the final product of many years of preparation by Les D. Crause.
Les was born into a Christian home and grew up in the knowledge of the Lord. He was called to the ministry at the age of 20 and made himself available to work for the Lord rather than following a normal career.
After some years of preparation, he was ordained by the Assemblies of God in Zimbabwe and entered full-time ministry, where he manifested a very clear teaching ministry that was successful wherever he went
But due to economic and political changes in the country, he ended up returning to secular employment and migrating down to South Africa.
There he spent some years in preparation, ministering, and working from home in his own business until the Lord opened a door for him and his family to migrate from South Africa to Mexico.
Shortly after arriving in Mexico, Les began an online ministry, reaching out to the nations with his teaching ministry. He founded a resource ministry which he named Global Ministry Resource Network or GMRN. This ministry started out as a mailing list sending out daily devotional teachings but ended up as a fully-fledged training mechanism for the Fivefold Ministry.
Before long Les had put together a full series of teachings, first on the Prophet and then on the Apostle. The rest of the Fivefold Ministry was also covered in less detail until there was an official online training school for both Apostles, Prophets, and the Fivefold Ministry.
A short while later, however, Les was led by the Lord to learn and put together a new series of teachings relating to business as a calling. In order to devote himself fully to this, he handed control of the ministry side over to others, whom he had trained up for this task, and he now spent a season in training for a new mandate – The Fivefold Business Calling.
After several years of training and producing outstanding teachings on the subject, he was instructed by the Lord to once again take up his original ministry mandate and combine the two together into a much bigger Ministry Organization than any he had established previously.
Having merged the Business and Ministry Roads, the Lord now told him to add the third and final road, the Social Road. He anticipated once again taking the helm of Apostolic Movement International, but his daughter and son-in-law were not willing to relinquish control of this ministry as they enjoyed being in control and had made some changes.
So Les decided to establish a new organization that embraced all of the new emphases. There was a parting of the ways, very much like what happened with Paul and Barnabas, and each separated to follow their own path. And since AMI was now doing things very differently from the way he had established it, there could no longer be any ministry association between the two.
So Les decided to establish a new organization that embraced all of the new emphases and so Global Business Ministries International was born and launched. Les now continued to add more teachings on all of the Fivefold Ministries as well as the Fivefold Business Calling. And in due season the Lord led him, his family, and the ministry team to return to South Africa to set up a full training mechanism that was far more comprehensive and all-embracing than what had been previously offered.
Working now from their ministry center in Johannesburg, South Africa, Les and Daphne, and their new Ministry Team are reaching out to the world. They are raising up leaders who will build a New Church and lead the Body of Christ to a new place internationally.
They run live training classes in their Ministry Training Center in Kempton Park, South Africa, and also offer distance learning in several different schools. These include a very comprehensive Apostolic School and Prophetic School as well as several other specialized schools.
To find out more about these training schools, visit the GBM Schools website at
Functioning originally as both Moses and Davidic types of Apostle, Les is now raising up the future Joshua’s and Solomon’s who will bring about the formation of the New Church, and also bring the Body of Christ to a place of financial liberty not seen before.
To find out more about Les, you can visit his personal ministry website at
You can also find him on Facebook at
The new ministry is also presented in a new group on Facebook called Overcoming The Darkness, which you can find here:
Daphne Crause is the wife of Les, and the Spiritual Mother of this ministry, which they founded together.
With many years of experience as a Secretary, Daphne has had exposure to many different business environments, including the mining and medical industries. She is adept at editing, formatting, and preparing books and products for publication. And with her knowledge of business, she is able to stand in her own right as a Female Entrepreneur.
Daphne’s forte in ministry is teaching the subject of Prayer and Intercession, which was her passion as a spiritual parent. Now she is reaching even further to teach other basic subjects to believers.
Les and Daphne plan to provide a new model for husbands and wives to work together as a team, both in business and ministry.
To find out more about Daphne, you can visit her personal ministry website at
You can also find her on Facebook at
John is Les’s fourth child and only son. He is the son of Les and Daphne and is learning to pour out to others all that his father and mother have poured into him.
Trained in both ministry and business, John holds a unique position for someone his age. He is also unique in that he has never had a formal education and has not spent a single day of his life in a formal school setting.
When Les and Daphne arrived in Mexico there was no school that offered lessons in English, and at that time there were no finances to pay for schooling anyway. So John became a prototype of a new generation. He is proof that a child can be raised without being contaminated by the world system and yet rise up in knowledge beyond his peers.
John has single-handedly carried the burden of the entire production of resources, first for the ministry division, and now for the business division. Every book, DVD, and other tangible product sold has passed first through his hands.
He has a good Teaching ministry, flows well Prophetically, functions as a manager, and is currently in training for higher leadership. He has picked up much of his father’s anointing and is progressively rising up to take his place as a leader in the Kingdom of God.
To find out more about John, you can visit his personal ministry website at
You can also find him on Facebook at
Ernst was part of Les and Daphne’s original Spiritual Family under Global Ministry Resources International.
When Les and Daphne were led to add the Business Mandate to their ministry function, Ernst and his wife Sonja were amongst those of the original family who joined them in this new mandate. They are now an integral part of the leadership of GBMI internationally.
Ernst has been a mentor to many who later rose up to become leaders in the Body of Christ. He has a passion to see the Church rise up in power and has paid the price many times, by letting go of his own desires, that the Kingdom of God may go forward.
Sonja is a valuable part of the leadership of GBMI and carries a load in the Spirit as she covers us in intercession and decree.
She is a strong leader in her own right, with a good teaching ministry. She is also excellent with children, having homeschooled her three daughters, including Anna-Lena, who has now joined us as a staff member in HQ.
Working side by side with her husband, she is reaching out to her community in Switzerland. She has a passion for souls and is always open to presenting the Gospel and leading folks to the Lord.
She also has a strong Business Calling and along with Ernst is a valuable part of the financial administration of GBMI.