Prophetic Word 2023

The past year has not been an easy time for most people. As the Covid pandemic came to an end, we finally were able to experience freedom from all the limitations it brought. But around the world, it seems, things are far from returning to normal.

There is an aftermath of disaster and destruction that has affected both the natural world and the Body of Christ. Political upheaval and conflicts in many places make the future seem even more uncertain. 

Businesses have found that people are now more comfortable staying at home than returning to work. And church services no longer have the same level of attendance anymore. The world is plagued by war and economic troubles, and the future does not look very bright.

But what can we do to fix this, and what can we expect in the year that lies ahead?

After spending many years building up a ministry and training God’s leaders, I find myself tempted to think more about retiring than pressing on. But the Lord tells me to launch out into the deep, and I am reminded of what He told His disciples after they had spent a whole night fishing without any success. 

I looked to the Lord concerning the future, and I was amazed at what He said concerning the year that lies ahead. 

Far from being a time to slow down, He said that Next Year will be a turning point in my life. I will look back on this year in the future as a very important milestone in both my life and ministry. 

This not only encouraged me but motivated me to prepare my heart for some new and exciting things in 2023. I feel that He wants me to encourage believers around the world to look up and not down at this time. 

God’s Word For 2023

Isaiah 43: 18 Do not recall the way things were before nor concentrate on the old way of doing things.
19 Because I am doing something new; and when it manifests you will be aware of it. I will create a road through the dry places and cause rivers to flow in the desert. [GBMV]

The Lord says I am about to do a new thing, both on the earth and especially in My Body, the Church.

So do not keep your eyes on the way things were done before, because I am about to make all things new. You have experienced many good things and have known My blessing in many ways. But that season is over now, and a brand new season is about to begin.

That is why you have found it hard to return to where you were, and why you have failed when you tried to continue along the old paths. They just will not work anymore. 

But I am going to turn into good everything that the enemy meant for evil. What you have lost will be restored many times. And you will not weep anymore over all the pain that you suffered, or allow your heart to be cast down. 

But I am going to bring changes to both your circumstances and your relationships. I will restore all that the locust has eaten and what the enemy stole from you. And you will experience greater abundance than you had before. 

A New Road

So lift up your eyes and see the new road that I am setting before you, says the Lord. It will be similar in some ways to the road you walked before, but many things will be different. Do not expect more of what you are used to, but get ready to move forward into greater things. 

The enemy had his chance, and he brought so much destruction, fear, and grief. But when I begin to rise up, My people will also rise up to a new level of power and glory. You will go out in My Name and do some amazing things.

Take your eyes off what the enemy is doing, because I have greater things in mind for you. You are special to Me and I want to give you even more than you hoped for says the Lord.

I will remove everything that has limited you, and break down the walls that have stood in your way. And where you have remained in obscurity I will make you rise up and be seen, like a city that is set on a hill.

Your days of lack and being alone will be a dim memory of the past, and instead, your life will be filled with joy and laughter, as newer and greater opportunities become available to you. 

The darkness of this world is increasing for those who do not know me. But the light of My glory will be seen in you. And as you take that light to this dark world you will be amazed at what I can do. 

What the leaders of this world cannot accomplish, you will be able to accomplish with My power and authority. And instead of fearing for the future, you will be able to offer hope and great new things. Because the darkness flees automatically when the light begins to shine. 

Be A Joshua

Be bold and courageous, as I told My servant Joshua many years ago. Then step out boldly in My Name and put your foot on your Promised Land. As you do this your enemies will flee and you will claim new territory for yourself and for My Kingdom. 

The year ahead is a brightly lit road filled with many good things. The Evil One may try to distract you with his roaring and negative influences, but you will make your way prosperous, as you step out boldly in My Name, filled with My power and glory. 

Do not try to fix up the old building that was your life. It has become like an old garment that has served its purpose but is no longer needed. Rather get ready to lay a brand new foundation for the time that lies ahead. 

Because I am going to do a new thing says the Lord. And I am going to start again and build a new building. And when this new building is complete it will be far greater than the previous building. 

Do not be afraid of where to start or how to accomplish this. I am going to do it for you, in you, and through you. Just come and put yourself in My hands like soft clay. And I will make you into a new vessel that will shine with My glory. 

Stop longing after the things of the past. Because the future is going to be an exciting time as you walk by My side on this new road that I am making for you, says the Lord. Step onto it boldly as the New Year is ushered in, and expect me to fulfill all of My promises to you.

The Role of Global Business Ministries

We are making plans to build a new ministry from the ground up. Why don’t you join us on this new exciting road in 2023?

2 comments on “Prophetic Word 2023”

  1. John Crause says:

    Amen, I cannot wait to see what the Lord does in the new year. I am ready to walk that new road.

  2. Magdeline says:

    I thank the Lord for such a word, and I receive it by faith. I avail myself to be amongst the trailblazers on the new road. Amen and amen.

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