Word For 2024

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God’s Word For 2024

by Apostle Les D. Crause

We stand on the brink of another New Year in the presence of the Lord, and many have already tried to look ahead to see what lies in store for the new year.

Before I share with you the Prophetic Word that the Lord gave me for the year ahead, I want to lay a bit of a foundation for you so you can understand where the Body of Christ is headed. 

The Big Mistake

Unfortunately, many so-called prophets have tried to predict the future instead of finding out from the Lord what He wants to do. And it does not take much prophetic insight to know which way the world is going.

The enemy has made it clear what he has in mind, and as always, it is more theft, strife, and destruction – the roots of the flesh motivated by the world system that is under his control. 

When we look only at these things, we tend to leave God out and turn to fleshly and natural ways to overcome them. A top-rated prophet has suggested that believers learn to grow their own food and seek to get involved in running the world in a better way. 

Hope is put in political leaders and those in places of influence. And your vote is considered more important than waiting on God for direction and using His power to bring change. 

But at the end of the day, the only way to change this world is to release the power of God into the earth to create what is needed. Every believer has within them the potential to bring major change to their own lives and the lives of those around them. 

But few have ever learned how to do this, and in general, most believers still look to the leaders in the Church to do what is needed. The church system has been set up to ensure that the average believer accomplishes not much more than to help build Church structures and organizations.

Like those in the world, we look to our leaders in the hope that they will somehow come up with the right solutions to help us live better lives. 

Bible Doctrine Made Easy


This Is How It Should Be 

God has great plans, not for the world, but for His body, the Church. And whatever He does in this world will only be accomplished when believers allow Him to reign in them and work through them. 

And to do this, He has been calling on the leaders to stop being like the Pharaoh of old, keeping God’s people in bondage. He has been trying to send out a simple message to such leaders,

Let My People Go

But like the Pharaoh of old, leaders persist in using those under them to build their own kingdom. And growth in the Body of Christ has been limited to what is allowed in each organization. 

The emphasis has been on bringing in huge numbers and gathering together crowds to accomplish this. Such numbers bring in huge financial resources and provide almost political power to leaders of such large groups. 

But that was never the pattern in the New Testament, where believers gathered daily in small groups, and we were told that new believers were being added every day. 

The only way the Lord can bring change in this world and make it a heaven on earth is when every believer knows their place and does their part. But before this can be accomplished, all of God’s people must be set free to release the power of God into this world.

This has been an impossible task to accomplish because of the system employed by the Status Quo church. As a result, instead of the Body of Christ rising up in power, it still remains at the mercy of the few who make the choice to allow the Lord to use them. 

We thank God for anointed leadership, but it is time for every believer in the Body of Christ to find out who they are and what they have in Him. And it is time that everyone is encouraged to use what they have together for the Lord.

The Coming Storm Prophecy

Some years ago, the Lord called us to leave our homeland and spend time in a foreign land. And there, He began to reveal His true pattern for the church. 

The limitations we had on not fully knowing the language of the people and what was permitted by law to foreigners forced us to approach church and ministry in a very different way. 

Instead of gathering believers together in a normal church meeting, we were forced to do everything on the internet. And we discovered a whole new way to reach people in every nation. 

During that time, the Lord gave me a Prophetic Vision that was really startling to me and which I felt would take something catastrophic to bring about. I wondered if I had heard right and whether this would be fulfilled in my lifetime. 

But just a few years ago, in 2019, I began to see the fulfillment of that vision as the world came under the difficulties of COVID-19. This affected the church more than anyone because it stopped believers from gathering together and holding normal church services. 

The New State of the Church

The whole structure and pattern of the status quo church was shaken, and those who were used to gathering in large numbers, such as the mega-churches, were the ones who were affected the most.

But in the end, every single local church was brought to its knees, and the only way believers could receive ministry was by using the Internet.  We all longed to return to the freedom we had, but it seemed to go on and on. 

Then, at the beginning of this year, the Lord showed me that the pandemic would soon be coming to an end. And He said that a new church would arise from the ashes of what was left of the old. 

If you would like to review the prophetic word that the Lord gave me for the year 2023, you can go and read it online at the following webpage


As the year progressed, it became very clear from the reports we received that the pandemic left the existing church system in ruins. Many stopped attending church meetings because they found it easier to receive ministry online. 

Many have begun to set up their ministries online and are reaching far beyond their immediate area to people around the world. And fellowship can now be done in chat groups in both text and video. Believers can watch or listen to preaching from around the world. 

The signs are all there that the old Status Quo church system has been shaken to its roots. And with the freedom of social media, many have started to use what God gave them online without needing recognition from an organization. 

God Is Doing Something New

According to the original vision of the Coming Storm, those who boasted of having large groups were the ones who suffered the most. But the churches that survived were those who gathered together in small groups. And although there were still leaders, the emphasis was not on the leaders.

There is always still a need for large gatherings where many can come together and enjoy the power of the corporate anointing. This is where every believer brings what they have and adds it together to build a very powerful force.

In the early church, they still had the temple, but they met each day in their homes and workplaces. Here, believers can get to know each other more closely and interact as members of one body. 

When Israel was journeying to their promised land, they set up the tabernacle in the center of the camp, and the people pitched their tents all around the tabernacle. Later, the temple was built to replace the Tabernacle, and the pattern continued with the temple at the center of where they lived. 

This has always proved to be the best pattern for the people of God, and the Church is no different. So, the best pattern is still something similar. There needs to be a place of public gathering where everyone in the community comes together periodically for celebration, worship, and teaching.

But during the week, there should be continual fellowship and ministry in small groups in the community.  Then, on a larger level, as God raises up the Fivefold Ministry under the Apostolic Office, a similar pattern can be followed. 

In the early church, there were two main Ministry Centers from which the Apostles were sent and where they lived. These were in Jerusalem and Antioch. 

Then, the churches founded by the apostles from those ministry centers continued to look to the center as a hub for direction. So after Paul and Barnabas had gone out establishing new churches in different cities, those churches continued to receive from Paul as he returned to Antioch.

This is the ultimate pattern for the new church and is what the Lord intends for the future church. But it will not happen automatically unless training is given to the new leaders and to all believers. 

Time For The Promised Land

For too long, believers have been living under the bondage of the Pharaohs who have controlled them and forced them to build their pyramids. And the Lord has sent apostles in the form of the Moses Type of an apostle to bring God’s people out of bondage. 

But many have failed to enter into their promised land and are still wandering around in the wilderness. Instead of moving forward, they go around in circles. And many believers have moved from church to church, trying to find a place where they can truly be what they were called to be.

It is time now for the Joshua apostles to rise up and lead God’s people into their Promised Land. And this can only be accomplished when every believer is mobilized to do their part in overcoming this world system and powers of darkness. 

Before they can do this, believers need to realize that they already have inside of them everything they will ever need to do great things. God has placed His power inside of each one of us, and we can do amazing things if we learn to tap into that power.

There also needs to be a financial flow in the Body of Christ to provide the finances that are needed for us to reach the world for the Lord. And God has chosen to raise up some very specific leaders at an Apostolic Level to do this. 

Training At All Levels

When leaders are trained to do this correctly, the Church will not fall back into the old patterns of this world. But they will lead believers into building a new church that is full of power. Where every believer has a part to play, and God’s power becomes visible to the world.

The Lord called Daphne and me to this task before the turn of the century, and we have been working hard to bring together a ministry that will cater to all of these needs. 

At first, we worked only with the leaders and learned to train Apostles and Prophets along with Pastor Teachers. Then, the Lord introduced Apostolic and Prophetic Entrepreneurs. 

But training the leaders was not enough. We need to get every believer involved at their own level. So, for a season, we spent time putting together materials that all believers could use at all levels. 

These are still in progress, and several are currently in the pipeline being prepared for release. If you want to find out more about what is available, you can go to this webpage. 

New publications

To see some of our newest book publications and those currently in the pipeline, go to the following webpage


Our training schools for those called to Fivefold leadership in both ministry and business can be found at our main training website at 


All of the courses there are currently being updated to include all the new things the Lord has been teaching us. 

We would like to take you by the hand as the New Year approaches and help you find your place both as a believer and as a leader in the Body of Christ. So look out for each new announcement we make in the days that lie ahead and as the New Year commences. 

Now, here is the Word that the Lord gave me for the Body of Christ for 2024.

Perfecting Your Prophetic Ministry


Prophetic Word 2024

The Lord says, take your eyes off what the world is doing and what the enemy has planned for the year that lies ahead. For his plans are not for My Church, but for those who follow him in this world system. 

I have only good in mind for those who love Me, and when you look to the time ahead, do not even consider all the evil that is being spewed out of the mouth of the evil one. If you do, your heart will become filled with fear, and you will become paralyzed and unable to go forward boldly in My Name. 

Realize that whatever I do in this world must always be done through those who are committed to me. Unless you release my will into the earth, I am unable to make this world into a place where you can walk in total blessing. 

I have given you all that you need in order to accomplish this by My Spirit living inside of you, says the Lord. And with Me living in you, nothing is impossible. Therefore, when I call the things that do not exist as though they do, I expect you to do the same and release my words into the earth. 

When you do this, the creative power that I placed in you will go out and create the very things that you desire. And you will see some amazing miracles taking place with your own eyes. 

You have sought My face in prayer and wait patiently for Me to carry out what you asked. But in reality, I will only do it via human channels. And I certainly have those who are willing channels to release my power. 

I have raised up Prophets who will speak my will into the earth and birth things that do not yet exist. These are specially chosen, and can hear My voice clearly to know what I desire to do. 

But you do not need to wait for Prophetic decrees before you can walk in My blessing, says the Lord. And you do not need to rise up to that level to become an instrument that I can use right now.

I promised that when two or three believers come together in full agreement, I would join them and be there in their midst. So, when you combine what is in your spirit with what other believers have in their spirits, something amazing takes place.  

This is why it is important to continue to fellowship with one another and join your hearts together in faith, hope, and love. And although I am building a new church, and this may look different, the new church will emphasize the fellowship of believers even more.

As you learn to come together with others in small groups, sharing your hearts together and pouring out to each other, I will appear as promised and add the fullness of My power. 

And you will begin to see signs and wonders taking place right where you are. You will begin to see My creative power work in and through you to bring changes to this world. 

And then shall my Body rise up as a Mighty Warrior and come against the powers of darkness and the systems of this world. And instead of being subject to the influences of evil men and women, you will become a force to be reckoned with. 

I am building a glorious church, and in the time ahead, you will begin to see the manifestation of this church as never before. And there will not be a powerful move of My spirit in just one place where revival springs forth. But revival will become a quality of all churches. 

My fire and wind will be poured out on every believer. You will rise up in My power, and My glory will be seen upon you, says the Lord. And you will go out in My power and accomplish what before seemed only a dream. 

Then those in the world will look at you with envy and will want to know how you managed to do this. And instead of groveling to the world with a cap in hand, as you have done before, you will be the provider. 

Then you will be bold to proclaim My word to the lost and the dying. And you will see Me transform lives that before seemed impossible to change. Those you love will be drawn to Me without you having to preach to them. 

Open your eyes then, see the joy that lies ahead, and step forward boldly to take your place and become part of the solution instead of the problem. For this is what I called you to says the Lord, and this is what you will do. 

14 comments on “Word For 2024”

  1. Apostle Les says:

    I am posting this to make sure the comments work. Remember your comments will only show after I have approved them.

  2. Nakia Hawley says:

    This word is so encouraging. I’m very excited about what is to come.

    I truly appreciate how you teach us before you go into the prophecy which helps for understanding.

    I have been one of those crying out to The Lord to be used. I am ready to see signs and wonders. I am ready for fellowship and refused to keep circling in the wilderness.

    This gives me hope and I am ready!

    Thank you Dad! And Thank You Jesus!

  3. Neil Corbin says:

    I fully receive this word

  4. Don Holliday says:

    This is a powerful word. I also like how you pointed out before the word about how some of the leadership speaks forth the plans of the enemy instead of coming against them.

  5. R Simmons says:

    The last 4 paragraphs served to bring both confirmation and clarity. As if they were written just for me. I wholeheartedly receive this Prophecy for 2024.

  6. Moagi says:

    Inspiring word, especially where we need not to focus on what the enemy spews but to proclaim the goodness of the Lord. Thank you Apostle Les for enlightening the body of Christ about the season ahead.

  7. Clarerose Eburhart says:

    Thank you Apostle Les
    I followed your teachings on the prophetic ministry and then lost contact.

    I agree with more people are going online to listen to what others are receiving and teaching and if their teachings agree with each other.

    The Lord had laid in my heart a lot of things since I last logged into your channel and have been wishing to do so again as I have learnt a lot, from you, and your family and your ministry.

    Since I regard you as my prophetic mentor, I would like to ask you to help me understand this dream I had early yesterday morning about 4 am.

    I dreamt seeing the Lord Jesus coming to me and telling me that a month from today, I will return As I woke up without really checking dates, the date yesterday was the 17th of December and a month from that would be 14th of January. Those were the dates that came into my mind straight away like they were dropped in there. I pulled my phone calendar out and checked and the dates were exact.

    Him ( Jesus) telling me He would return on that day is my job to find out what the meaning is
    Could you help me in interpreting this dream?


    1. Les D Crayse says:

      This is not a prophetic word especially concerning the coming of the Lord because that day will not be revealed. Also prophetic words never have exact dates. The only possible meaningif this is message from the Lord is that the Kord wants to return you to a place you were before in your relationship with him. Perhaps this links with your reconnecting with us since we will be launching our new ministry training in about a month.

  8. Benefit Shumbamhini says:

    Thank you Apostle. Powerful prophecy indeed. I have been impacted especially in two areas:

    1. Emphasis on small group gatherings. This is what nature teaches us. When a tree grows the ‘big branch branches into smaller branches’, and the major factory of the tree lies in the small leaves, rather than the big branches. So thank you for confirmation on evangelism and discipleship through small group gatherings.

    2. Emphasis on the fact that as things worsen in the world, things will be getting better in the church. This is very scriptural, “For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon you, and his glory shall be seen upon you.” (Is 60:2) So we focus on the Glory in and upon us, not the darkness around us. We are light to the darkness around us.

    Thank you so much for this prophecy & Lord, thank You for 2024 and your will for us in this year.

    1. Morake Ricks Mooketsi says:

      Thank you so much Apostle Les for this powerful prophetic Word or Message. I truly embrace it as delivered. And I know that the Lord Has used you mightly to speak to His Body.
      I believe that this is the right moment for me to fully prepare to use what he has given me until now , and everyone else who will read this prophetic word.
      So many things stood out for me, and one of the things that stood out the most is the last statement about being part of the solution in this world rather than being part of the problems in this world.
      This is a profound statement because many the problems we see this world are a result of what we have birthed with our mouths and tongues. The scripture says death and life are in the power of the the tongue.
      You also showed us that we have enough resources within us to defeat the power of the enemy.

      You spoke at length concerning the arising of the new church, you addressed it as the sleeping giant, and I am convinced from this prophetic word for 2024,moving forward that, signs and wonders are going to be revealed, and many will come to receive their help from the church, rather than the world.
      Yes, I believe it’s time for the Church to take it’s place in this world.
      Thanks Apostle Les for taking time to lesson to the Lord on behalf of His Body.
      I am willing to run with this vision.

    2. Morake Ricks Mooketsi says:

      Thank you so much Apostle Les for this powerful prophetic Word or Message. I truly embrace it as delivered. And I know that the Lord Has used you mightly to speak to His Body.
      I believe that this is the right moment for me to fully prepare to use what he Has as given me until now , and everyone else who will read this prophetic word, I encourage them to act.
      So many things stood out for me, and one of the things that stood out the most is the last statement about being part of the solution in this world rather than being part of the problems in this world.
      This is a profound statement because many the problems we experience in this world are a result of what we have birthed with our mouths and tongues. The scripture says death and life are in the power of the the tongue.
      You also showed us that we have enough resources within us to defeat the power of the enemy.

      You spoke at length concerning the arising of the new church, you addressed it as the sleeping giant, and I am convinced from this prophetic word for 2024,moving forward that, signs and wonders are going to be revealed, and many will come to receive their help from the church, rather than the world.
      Yes, I believe it’s time for the Church to take it’s place in this world.
      Thanks Apostle Les for taking time to listen to the Lord on behalf of His Body.
      I am willing to run with this vision.

  9. Mark Stalnaker says:

    This is a wonderful word! The new church arising, and what was lost fully restored.

  10. Onkgomoditse Emily says:

    What a word in season Prophet Les. I have been following your teachings and every I always get empowered, As I was reading, I was writing notes for myself. I saw the truth of Jeremia 29:11. Sometimes as believers we tend to focus on the world system and get tempted to follow its direction instead on focusing on the covenant keeping God. The power of when or two or three gather together has revived my soul. The Church was now influenced by numbers than acknowledging the presence of the Lord when we meet in small groups. May the good Lord forgive us, Financial flow in the Body of Christ, the believers should fund the kingdom projects in our communities; build schools, hospitals, create employment for people. I understood you to say every believer is fully equipped by the power of God. Church leadership is important for direction, but shouldn’t blinded the believers to worship these vessels of God. Believers should be solution providers not creators of problems in the Church and our communities.
    Again, I say thank you Prophet. I am energized for the year 2024 and beyond.

  11. Dinah says:

    I revisited this word today. It so much speaks to me and addressing most if not all what I have been praying for. I always believed that I am no ordinary person and at the will of the Lord, His manifest power will become evident in me.

    As I read it, I got the reassurance that we are on the right track. The Lord is coming and yet before He comes, He needs to build a powerful church that will show His glory to the full.

    I press on even more. This word is true, my spirit is tuned!

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