Category: Apostle’s Desk
Be Ready To Move
August 15, 2023 by John Crause
A Prophetic Word For 15 August 2023 Do not dwell on the failures of the past, says the Lord, or long after opportunities that were lost. For I have a new thing for you that is far better than the things you had planned and hoped for previously. Your experiences of failure were simply stepping…
Time to Recoup
July 14, 2023 by Apostle Les
A young guy who was physically fit and strong decided to look for a job where he could use his natural abilities. He found the perfect job to do this, which could also give him a good income. He decided to apply for a job cutting down trees for a lumber company. They gave him…
Who is Your Model?
June 2, 2023 by John Crause
2 Thessalonians 3: 7 For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us: for we did not behave ourselves disorderly among you;8 Neither did we eat anyone’s food for free; but worked with difficulty and stress night and day, that we might not put pressure on any of you:9 Not because we did not…