The Lord’s Compelling Love
July 6, 2023 by GBM International
When I was in my late teens, early adulthood, I had some very strange and frustrating experiences with guys. There were two of them in particular that stand out from different times, because they both suddenly decided that they were my boyfriends.
The first guy suddenly appeared on the scene as I was walking back home from my church nearby. It was about 2 blocks away, and as I was walking I heard a horrible grating noise behind me.
There was this guy on a bike that I had never seen before. And the bike obviously had a problem because it made that noise. He started talking to me, but I wasn’t interested. Then suddenly he took my hand as though I was his date.
I managed to shake him off for a while, but I would often hear that horrible sound of his bike following me. It seemed to appear out of nowhere and be deliberately inspired to cause me fear and stress. He found out where my house was, but I just stayed inside and refused to open to him. Then with the help of our maid she got him going once and for all.
The second guy appeared one day when I was catching the bus home from work. I went to a different bus stop because I had been to the shops nearby. I sat down on the bench to wait for the bus and he came and sat next to me. Then, as with the previous guy, he suddenly took my hand and started making me feel totally uncomfortable.
I didn’t know him, had never seen him before, and didn’t want to get to know him like that. I found out what bus he was going to be catching. When a bus came that was not mine, but also not his, I waited till everyone had almost boarded, then bolted to my freedom and got on the bus at the last minute.
I have no clue why these guys suddenly wanted to push their ideas on me, but it was not acceptable. However it all changed when I met my current husband.
I met him over the phone and he was gentle, loving and considerate. He invited me to get to know him and it was an amazing experience. I felt totally comfortable with him and there was no fear.
Two Different Modes of Operation
You may wonder why I am sharing my experiences with guys with you. But there is a good picture here of the way Satan works vs the way the Lord works.
Satan is like the two guys who imposed their will on me and decided I was their girlfriend, whether I wanted it or not. He pushes his agenda on you and it always comes with some force or negative feeling.
You have a choice however and you don’t have to submit to his demands and his pushing. I didn’t open the door to that first guy when I realised he was trying to come back again. In the same way you can reject Satan and forbid him to have a license in your life.
The Lord Jesus on the other hand is like Les was to me when we first met. He invites you to come into fellowship with Him. He doesn’t push or coerce you, and if you should decide to decline his invitation He will not push you or be offended. He will continue to woo you in love and He will say,
“I love you My child. You are special to Me and I want you to come and fellowship with Me.”
If you are feeling pushed, coerced or stressed about doing something for the Lord, this is not of Him and you can reject it. The Lord will speak to you gently and in love, and you will feel an assurance and peace that goes with it.
The Lord Jesus is wonderful and you can come and fellowship with Him any time that you want. You can share your heart with Him and tell Him everything you are stressed or troubled about.
If you are not used to doing this, why not give it a try? This will bless you in an amazing way and will cause your spiritual life to rise up to new levels.
May the Lord continue to bless you.
In His love,
Daphne Crause
Apostle and Servant of Jesus
Global Business Ministries International