June 24, 2024 by Apostle Les
Statement of Beliefs of Global Business Ministries International Issued by Apostle Les D. Crause Believers have been divided through the years because of Doctrinal Beliefs that have caused barriers and destroyed the fellowship and unity in the Body of Christ. We would like to overcome this problem in the End Times Church, by presenting teachings…
January 16, 2024 by GBM International
Proverbs 16:24 says this. Pleasant words [are as] a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. [GBMV] Many years ago I was going through a really hard time. I had just lost my first husband, I was struggling to keep up to date at my job, and I became pretty ill for…
December 18, 2023 by GBM International
It is crazy that in the natural the year 2023 has almost come to an end. We have just two weeks left, before the New Year and the start of something brand new. I don’t know about you, but as the new year approaches I always have the hope of something fresh and exciting. But…
November 28, 2023 by GBM International
“Oh no, I’ve blown it! I’ve sinned so badly that I will never make it to heaven. I don’t think I can even ask the Lord to forgive me.” Have you ever felt like this? If you have, you will know that this sort of thing can completely stop you in your spiritual tracks, because…
November 22, 2023 by John Crause
I was about 8 or 9 years old and doing maths in school. The teacher wrote a whole lot of sums on the board. She then told us to copy them into our books, answer them, and come up to her at her desk to mark them. I did as she instructed us, but for…
September 18, 2023 by John Crause
David is one of my favorite Bible characters. Even though he messed up badly so many times, nevertheless he was truly a man after God’s heart and zealous for the things of the Lord. I recently read in 1 Samuel about where David’s three oldest brothers were with the army of Israel and about to…
August 16, 2023 by GBM International
My family and I had to recently go somewhere early in the morning. Because it was early, we hit some rush hour traffic and things moved slowly. As we sat for a moment in the traffic, we saw a fire burning up ahead, and through the smoke you could see the lights of the fire…
August 15, 2023 by John Crause
A Prophetic Word For 15 August 2023 Do not dwell on the failures of the past, says the Lord, or long after opportunities that were lost. For I have a new thing for you that is far better than the things you had planned and hoped for previously. Your experiences of failure were simply stepping…
August 15, 2023 by John Crause
We have started a brand new channel on YouTube called The GBM Ministry Corner. This is a place to build up your spirit. You can receive teaching, fresh knowledge, or just inspiration for today. I am hoping to make this into a regular thing that covers many subjects. This is going to be a place…
July 14, 2023 by Apostle Les
A young guy who was physically fit and strong decided to look for a job where he could use his natural abilities. He found the perfect job to do this, which could also give him a good income. He decided to apply for a job cutting down trees for a lumber company. They gave him…